• Yes. You can try and test the program and a part of our extensive database in our free version by following this link.
  • If you want to check out a more powerful version of the program, contact us via our contact form and request access to the demo version.
  • Installing the basic version of the program on the website is as easy as unzipping the two .zip files into the appropriate folders and indicating the paths to those folders in the function that runs the program, in your website's code.
  • In case you need more advanced integration (e.g. with an online store), we provide both the documentation of our API and the request panel, where we answer all questions. Access to the panel is granted to customers who have purchased a netDecor license.
  • In case you have further questions, we're here to help you use and integrate our product into your system.
  • If you have already ordered your product database for CAD Decor PRO, CAD Decor or CAD Kitchens, we can use them as well. NetDecor uses the same database format and we can easily connect it.
  • In case this is your first database you will find a detailed description of the preparation process by following this link.
    Note that if you order a database for netDecor, it can also go into distribution with our other programs, which will further increase the sales of your products.

The most important thing about our integration is the fact the way of integration can be changed over time. You can start with a very simple configuration of the program, even without a connected price list, and add features when you are ready for it.

  • If you have a website, without a store
    This is the easiest integration. Run netDecor with the price list in a text file in JSON format.
  • If you have an online store
    You can integrate netDecor with your store so the content of the design can be transferred to the shopping cart. You will find information on how to do this by following this link.
  • If you have a showroom and a design kiosk
    You can integrate the kiosk with your internal sales system using our API, or run projects that are inspirations for further modification. You can also prepare accounts for your customers and store their projects on them. There are a lot of possibilities, so it's worth reading the API documentation carefully.

Important: Do not treat the above points very rigidly. You can integrate such part of netDecor into your business as suits you. If you have questions, write to us via our contact form.

  • The ticket panel is the main channel of communication with the netDecor team. This is where you can ask questions, suggest changes and report bugs.

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