What do you need
on your server?
Any web server
A simple HTTP server is sufficient
You do not even need PHP
You do not need a database server
Our database is based on regular files
What do your
customers need?
Up-to-date web browser
Recommended: Chrome or Firefox
(the browser should be updated
to the latest version)
Graphics card
with support for WebGL 2.0
Assuming several tens of thousands of visits to the netDecor application per month (30-50,000 per month):
- 1 x load balancer ie.: cores 2 CPU i 2 GB RAM;
- 3 x web application server (e.g. apache2, ngix, MS Server) 4 cores and 4 GB RAM;
- if users' projects will be saved on the server, it will be a good idea to equip them with a fast disk array;
- for example, a set of SAS 15k drives or SSDs in a RAID 1+0 or other arrangement (according to preference);
- installation of netDecor on a server does not require the installation of a database server.